Among the complex ions given below,
[Co(NH2 – CH2 – CH2 – NH2)2Cl2]+,
[Co(NH2 – CH2 – CH2 – NH2)2(NH3)Cl]2+ and
The number of complex ion(s) that show(s) cis-trans isomerism is(are).
This question belongs to inorganic chemistry coordination compounds. In coordination compounds geometrical isomerism is shown by disubstituted square planar and octahedral compounds. Complexes given here are octahedral
First and second [M(AA)2b2] type --- b,b can be adjacent (cis) or diagonal (trans)
third and fourth [Ma4b2] type --- b,b can be adjacent (cis) or diagonal (trans)
fifth [M(AA)2bc] type --- b,c can be adjacent (cis) or diagonal (trans)
sixth [Ma4bc] type --- b,c can be adjacent (cis) or diagonal (trans)
All complexes here can show geometrical isomerism.