I am an academic consultant, chemistry teacher and a POET. I completed my graduation as B.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. I am training students for IITJEE since 2004. I do not believe in transferring my knowledge to my student rather i believe in the philosophy of extracting the performance of my student by involving him/her in the DISCUSSION OF CONCEPTS. I believe that student can know the concept from large number of books available in the market but to UNDERSTAND the concept in the correct manner he/she needs to take part in discussion of the concept and its applications. I will not hesitate in saying that i too learn large number of things when my students discuss things with me. कविता अपने भावों को कम से कम शब्दों में व्यक्त करने का उत्तम माध्यम है| मैं ओज, माधुर्य, हास्य सभी रसों/विधाओं में कविताएं लिखना पढ़ना पसंद करता हूँ| मैं मुंबई में रहकर यहीं से विभिन्न मंचों पर जा कर कविता पाठ करता हूँ|